Exalens' Cyber Process Hazard Analysis service offers a specialized risk assessment methodology for Industrial Automation and Control Systems (IACS), including Operational Technologies (OT), Basic Process Control Systems (BPCS), and Safety Instrumented Systems (SIS). This service is a comprehensive analysis of deviations, consequences, safeguards, and risk-reduction actions, aligning with industry standards such as ISA/IEC 62443 and NIST SP 800-39. By integrating IT and multiple engineering disciplines, our Cyber HAZOP delivers a risk-ranked mitigation plan that comprehensively addresses the unique challenges and cybersecurity risks in industrial environments.
Cyber PHA is essential for facilities with complex industrial processes, especially where the convergence of IACS and cybersecurity is significant. Traditional IT risk assessments and plant engineering risk assessments often overlook this convergence, leaving gaps in cybersecurity. Cyber PHA addresses this by combining various expertises to provide a complete view of the cybersecurity landscape, ensuring effective risk mitigation and resource allocation.
Contact us today to learn more about how we can help with our expert services.